This is a solution to the Fylo dark theme landing page challenge on Frontend Mentor.
Users should be able to:
- View the optimal layout for the site depending on their device's screen size
- See hover states for all interactive elements on the page
- Solution URL:
- Live Site URL:
- Semantic HTML5 markup
- tailwindcss - v4
- Flexbox
- CSS Grid
- Mobile-first workflow
- Solidjs - JS library
- Solid Icons - Icons for Solidjs
- TypeScript
As someone who try to make my app perfect - if there is such thing as perfect :-D - , i am pretty happy how it tourned out expecialy the "Get Early Access" section of the bottom.
I liked the experience i gained while searching and trying to make it work.
I made it with Typescript because i feel like i want to use it in all my projects. and making challenges like these make me learn more.
I want to continue learning Typescript and using it more often.
$ npm install # or pnpm install or yarn install
In the project directory, you can run:
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:5173 to view it in the browser.
Builds the app for production to the dist
It correctly bundles Solid in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.