diff --git a/include/psa/crypto.h b/include/psa/crypto.h
index 2b07b7471..2c1378fb8 100644
--- a/include/psa/crypto.h
+++ b/include/psa/crypto.h
@@ -348,7 +348,9 @@ static size_t psa_get_key_bits(const psa_key_attributes_t *attributes);
  *       you must call psa_reset_key_attributes() to free these resources.
  * \param[in] handle            Handle to the key to query.
- * \param[in,out] attributes    On success, the attributes of the key.
+ * \param[in,out] attributes    On entry, this structure must be in a
+ *                              valid state.
+ *                              On success, the attributes of the key.
  *                              On failure, equivalent to a
  *                              freshly-initialized structure.
@@ -852,7 +854,320 @@ psa_status_t psa_export_public_key(psa_key_handle_t handle,
                                    size_t data_size,
                                    size_t *data_length);
+ * \brief Export a key and its metadata in wrapped form.
+ *
+ * A wrapped form of the key object preserves the confidentiality and
+ * authenticity of the key material and the authenticity of the key
+ * policy. In practical terms, the key material is encrypted, and
+ * the key data and metadata are authenticated together.
+ *
+ * The format of the wrapped data is implementation-dependent. It may depend
+ * both on the choice of wrapping key and on the type of key to wrap.
+ *
+ * The policy on the key must have the usage flag
+ *
+ * \note This specification does not currently provide a way to
+ *       create a wrapping key. Many implementations provide a
+ *       predefined wrapping key #PSA_KEY_ID_WRAP_BOUND.
+ *
+ * \param wrapping_key      Handle to the key to wrap with.
+ * \param handle            Handle to the key to export in wrapped form.
+ * \param[out] data         Buffer where the wrapped key data is to be written.
+ * \param data_size         Size of the \p data buffer in bytes.
+ * \param[out] data_length  On success, the number of bytes
+ *                          that make up the wrapped key data.
+ *
+ * \retval #PSA_SUCCESS
+ *         One or both of \p handle and \p wrapping_key is not a valid
+ *         handle to a key.
+ *         The key \p handle does not have the #PSA_KEY_USAGE_BACKUP flag.
+ *         \p wrapping_key does not support wrapping keys with metadata.
+ *         \p wrapping_key does not support wrapping the key designated
+ *         by \p handle.
+ *         The size of the \p data buffer is too small. You can determine a
+ *         sufficient buffer size by calling
+ *         #PSA_WRAP_KEY_WITH_POLICY_OUTPUT_SIZE(\c type, \c bits)
+ *         where \c type is the key type of \p handle
+ *         and \c bits is the key size of \p handle in bits.
+ * \retval #PSA_ERROR_BAD_STATE
+ *         The library has not been previously initialized by psa_crypto_init().
+ *         It is implementation-dependent whether a failure to initialize
+ *         results in this error code.
+ */
+psa_status_t psa_wrap_key_with_policy(psa_key_handle_t wrapping_key,
+                                      psa_key_handle_t handle,
+                                      uint8_t *data,
+                                      size_t data_size,
+                                      size_t *data_length);
+ * \brief Import a wrapped key with its metadata.
+ *
+ * This function supports any output from psa_wrap_key_with_policy().
+ * For symmetric wrapping, you must unwrap with the same key that was
+ * used to wrap. For asymmetric wrapping where the wrapping operation uses
+ * a public key and the unwrapping operation uses the corresponding private
+ * key, you must unwrap with the corresponding unwrapping key.
+ *
+ * The resulting key object has the same attributes as the original key:
+ * same lifetime, same identifier if persistent, same usage policy.
+ * To restore a key to a different location or with a different policy,
+ * use psa_unwrap_key_to_alternate_lifetime().
+ *
+ * \param wrapping_key      Handle to the key to unwrap with.
+ * \param[in] data          Buffer containing the wrapped key material.
+ *                          The expected format of this buffer depends
+ *                          on the wrapping key.
+ * \param data_length       Size of the \p data buffer in bytes.
+ * \param[out] handle       On success, a handle to the newly created key.
+ *                          \c 0 on failure.
+ *
+ * \retval #PSA_SUCCESS
+ *         Success.
+ *         If the unwrapped key is persistent, the key material and the
+ *         key's metadata have been saved to persistent storage.
+ *         This is an attempt to create a persistent key, and there is
+ *         already a persistent key with the given identifier.
+ *         The key data is not correctly formatted.
+ *         \p wrapping_key does not support unwrapping keys with metadata.
+ *         \p data is not a valid wrapped key for \p wrapping_key.
+ *         Some of the metadata encoded in \p data is not supported.
+ *         This can only happen when attempting to unwrap a key that
+ *         was wrapped under a different implementation or a
+ *         differently-configured implementation.
+ * \retval #PSA_ERROR_BAD_STATE
+ *         The library has not been previously initialized by psa_crypto_init().
+ *         It is implementation-dependent whether a failure to initialize
+ *         results in this error code.
+ */
+psa_status_t psa_unwrap_key_with_policy(psa_key_handle_t wrapping_key,
+                                        const uint8_t *data,
+                                        size_t data_length,
+                                        psa_key_handle_t *handle);
+ * \brief Import a wrapped key with its metadata to volatile memory.
+ *
+ * This function supports any output from psa_wrap_key_with_policy()
+ * where the wrapped key has the usage flag #PSA_KEY_USAGE_COPY set.
+ * For symmetric wrapping, you must unwrap with the same key that was
+ * used to wrap. For asymmetric wrapping where the wrapping operation uses
+ * a public key and the unwrapping operation uses the corresponding private
+ * key, you must unwrap with the corresponding unwrapping key.
+ *
+ * The resulting key object has the same attributes as the original key
+ * apart from its lifetime, in particular it has the same usage policy.
+ * To unwrap a key and give it a more restrictive policy or place it
+ * in a different location:
+ * -# Call psa_unwrap_key_to_alternate_lifetime() to unwrap the key to a
+ *    volatile location.
+ * -# If desired, call psa_get_key_attributes() to retrieve the
+ *    attributes of the key, then modify them as desired for the
+ *    subsequent copy.
+ * -# Call psa_copy_key() to copy the key to its desired location
+ *    (volatile or persistent) and with the desired policy.
+ * -# Call psa_destroy_key() to destroy the intermediate volatile key.
+ *
+ * The resulting key does not have a persistent identifier, therefore
+ * the target lifetime must be volatile.
+ *
+ * \param wrapping_key      Handle to the key to unwrap with.
+ * \param lifetime          The lifetime to unwrap to.
+ *                          This must be a volatile lifetime.
+ *                          The wrapping key may constrain which lifetimes
+ *                          are permitted; such constraints are
+ *                          implementation-defined. As a guideline,
+ *                          implementations should allow unwrapping a key
+ *                          to a lifetime that is in the same location
+ *                          as the original key.
+ * \param[in] data          Buffer containing the wrapped key material.
+ *                          The expected format of this buffer depends
+ *                          on the wrapping key.
+ * \param data_length       Size of the \p data buffer in bytes.
+ * \param[out] handle       On success, a handle to the newly created key.
+ *                          \c 0 on failure.
+ *
+ * \retval #PSA_SUCCESS
+ *         Success.
+ *         If the unwrapped key is persistent, the key material and the
+ *         key's metadata have been saved to persistent storage.
+ *         \p lifetime is not a volatile lifetime.
+ *         The key data is not correctly formatted.
+ *         \p wrapping_key does not support unwrapping keys with metadata.
+ *         \p data is not a valid wrapped key for \p wrapping_key.
+ *         Some of the metadata encoded in \p data is not supported.
+ *         This can only happen when attempting to unwrap a key that
+ *         was wrapped under a different implementation or a
+ *         differently-configured implementation.
+ *         The wrapped key does not have the #PSA_KEY_USAGE_COPY flag.
+ * \retval #PSA_ERROR_BAD_STATE
+ *         The library has not been previously initialized by psa_crypto_init().
+ *         It is implementation-dependent whether a failure to initialize
+ *         results in this error code.
+ */
+psa_status_t psa_unwrap_key_to_alternate_lifetime(
+    psa_key_handle_t wrapping_key,
+    psa_key_lifetime_t lifetime,
+    const uint8_t *data,
+    size_t data_length,
+    psa_key_handle_t *handle);
+ * \brief Export key material in wrapped form.
+ *
+ * A wrapped form of the key material preserves the confidentiality
+ * and authenticity of the key material. In practical terms, the key
+ * material is encrypted and authenticated.
+ *
+ * The policy on the key to wrap must have the usage flag
+ * The policy on the wrapping key must have the usage flag
+ *
+ * \param wrapping_key      Handle to the key to wrap with.
+ * \param alg               The key wrapping algorithm to compute
+ *                          (\c PSA_ALG_XXX value such that
+ *                          #PSA_ALG_IS_KEY_WRAP(\p alg) is true).
+ * \param handle            Handle to the key whose material is to be
+ *                          exported in wrapped form.
+ * \param[out] data         Buffer where the wrapped key data is to be written.
+ * \param data_size         Size of the \p data buffer in bytes.
+ * \param[out] data_length  On success, the number of bytes
+ *                          that make up the wrapped key data.
+ *
+ * \retval #PSA_SUCCESS
+ *         One or both of \p handle and \p wrapping_key is not a valid
+ *         handle to a key.
+ *         The key \p handle does not have the #PSA_KEY_USAGE_BACKUP flag.
+ *         The key \p wrapping_key does not have the
+ *         #PSA_KEY_USAGE_WRAP_OTHER_KEY flag.
+ *         \p wrapping_key does not support wrapping key material.
+ *         \p wrapping_key does not support wrapping the key designated
+ *         by \p handle.
+ *         The size of the \p data buffer is too small. You can determine a
+ *         sufficient buffer size by calling
+ *         #PSA_WRAP_KEY_MATERIAL_OUTPUT_SIZE(\p alg, \c type, \c bits)
+ *         where \c type is the key type of \p handle
+ *         and \c bits is the key size of \p handle in bits.
+ * \retval #PSA_ERROR_BAD_STATE
+ *         The library has not been previously initialized by psa_crypto_init().
+ *         It is implementation-dependent whether a failure to initialize
+ *         results in this error code.
+ */
+psa_status_t psa_wrap_key_material(psa_key_handle_t wrapping_key,
+                                   psa_algorithm_t alg,
+                                   psa_key_handle_t handle,
+                                   uint8_t *data,
+                                   size_t data_size,
+                                   size_t *data_length);
+ * \brief Import wrapped key material.
+ *
+ * The policy on the wrapping key must have the usage flag
+ *
+ * \param wrapping_key      Handle to the key to unwrap with.
+ * \param alg               The key unwrapping algorithm to compute
+ *                          (\c PSA_ALG_XXX value such that
+ *                          #PSA_ALG_IS_KEY_WRAP(\p alg) is true).
+ * \param[in] attributes    The attributes for the new key.
+ *                          They are used in the same way as by
+ *                          psa_import_key().
+ * \param[in] data          Buffer containing the key data. The expected
+ *                          format of this buffer depends on the wrapping
+ *                          key and on the type declared in \p attributes.
+ * \param data_length       Size of the \p data buffer in bytes.
+ * \param[out] handle       On success, a handle to the newly created key.
+ *                          \c 0 on failure.
+ *
+ * \retval #PSA_SUCCESS
+ *         Success.
+ *         If the unwrapped key is persistent, the key material and the
+ *         key's metadata have been saved to persistent storage.
+ *         This is an attempt to create a persistent key, and there is
+ *         already a persistent key with the given identifier.
+ *         The key \p wrapping_key does not have the
+ *         The key attributes, as a whole, are invalid.
+ *         The key data is not correctly formatted.
+ *         The size in \p attributes is nonzero and does not match the size
+ *         of the key data.
+ *         \p wrapping_key does not support unwrapping keys with metadata.
+ *         \p data is not a valid wrapped key for \p wrapping_key.
+ *         The key type or key size is not supported, either by the
+ *         implementation in general or in this particular persistent location.
+ * \retval #PSA_ERROR_BAD_STATE
+ *         The library has not been previously initialized by psa_crypto_init().
+ *         It is implementation-dependent whether a failure to initialize
+ *         results in this error code.
+ */
+psa_status_t psa_unwrap_key_material(psa_key_handle_t wrapping_key,
+                                     psa_algorithm_t alg,
+                                     const psa_key_attributes_t *attributes,
+                                     const uint8_t *data,
+                                     size_t data_length,
+                                     psa_key_handle_t *handle);
diff --git a/include/psa/crypto_sizes.h b/include/psa/crypto_sizes.h
index 1f04222c2..989ae66c6 100644
--- a/include/psa/crypto_sizes.h
+++ b/include/psa/crypto_sizes.h
@@ -641,8 +641,8 @@
  * \return If the parameters are valid and supported, return
  *         a buffer size in bytes that guarantees that
- *         psa_sign_hash() will not fail with
+ *         psa_export_key() (and psa_export_public_key() if applicable)
+           will not fail with #PSA_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL.
  *         If the parameters are a valid combination that is not supported
  *         by the implementation, this macro shall return either a
  *         sensible size or 0.
@@ -659,4 +659,55 @@
+/** Sufficient output buffer size for psa_wrap_key_with_policy().
+ *
+ * This macro returns a compile-time constant if its arguments are
+ * compile-time constants.
+ *
+ * \warning This function may call its arguments multiple times or
+ *          zero times, so you should not pass arguments that contain
+ *          side effects.
+ *
+ * \param key_type  A supported key type.
+ * \param key_bits  The size of the key in bits.
+ *
+ * \return If the parameters are valid and supported, return
+ *         a buffer size in bytes that guarantees that
+ *         psa_wrap_key_with_policy() will not fail with
+ *         If the parameters are a valid combination that is not supported
+ *         by the implementation, this macro shall return either a
+ *         sensible size or 0.
+ *         If the parameters are not valid, the
+ *         return value is unspecified.
+ */
+#define PSA_WRAP_KEY_WITH_POLICY_OUTPUT_SIZE(key_type, key_bits)        \
+    0u /*not implemented yet*/
+/** Sufficient output buffer size for psa_wrap_key_material().
+ *
+ * This macro returns a compile-time constant if its arguments are
+ * compile-time constants.
+ *
+ * \warning This function may call its arguments multiple times or
+ *          zero times, so you should not pass arguments that contain
+ *          side effects.
+ *
+ * \param alg       The key wrapping algorithm.
+ * \param key_type  A supported key type.
+ * \param key_bits  The size of the key in bits.
+ *
+ * \return If the parameters are valid and supported, return
+ *         a buffer size in bytes that guarantees that
+ *         psa_wrap_key_material() will not fail with
+ *         If the parameters are a valid combination that is not supported
+ *         by the implementation, this macro shall return either a
+ *         sensible size or 0.
+ *         If the parameters are not valid, the
+ *         return value is unspecified.
+ */
+#define PSA_WRAP_KEY_MATERIAL_OUTPUT_SIZE(alg, key_type, key_bits)       \
+    0u /*not implemented yet*/
 #endif /* PSA_CRYPTO_SIZES_H */
diff --git a/include/psa/crypto_values.h b/include/psa/crypto_values.h
index baaabff1e..1980662b0 100644
--- a/include/psa/crypto_values.h
+++ b/include/psa/crypto_values.h
@@ -615,6 +615,7 @@
 #define PSA_ALG_CATEGORY_MAC                    ((psa_algorithm_t)0x02000000)
 #define PSA_ALG_CATEGORY_CIPHER                 ((psa_algorithm_t)0x04000000)
 #define PSA_ALG_CATEGORY_AEAD                   ((psa_algorithm_t)0x06000000)
+#define PSA_ALG_CATEGORY_WRAP                   ((psa_algorithm_t)0x0e000000)
 #define PSA_ALG_CATEGORY_SIGN                   ((psa_algorithm_t)0x10000000)
 #define PSA_ALG_CATEGORY_ASYMMETRIC_ENCRYPTION  ((psa_algorithm_t)0x12000000)
 #define PSA_ALG_CATEGORY_KEY_DERIVATION         ((psa_algorithm_t)0x20000000)
@@ -672,6 +673,17 @@
 #define PSA_ALG_IS_AEAD(alg)                                            \
+/** Whether the specified algorithm is a key wrapping algorithm.
+ *
+ * \param alg An algorithm identifier (value of type #psa_algorithm_t).
+ *
+ * \return 1 if \p alg is a key wrapping algorithm, 0 otherwise.
+ *         This macro may return either 0 or 1 if \p alg is not a supported
+ *         algorithm identifier.
+ */
+#define PSA_ALG_IS_KEY_WRAP(alg)                                        \
 /** Whether the specified algorithm is a public-key signature algorithm.
  * \param alg An algorithm identifier (value of type #psa_algorithm_t).
@@ -1082,6 +1094,24 @@
     PSA_ALG_AEAD_WITH_TAG_LENGTH(ref, 0) ?                               \
     ref :
+/** The KW algorithm from NIST SP 800-38F, also described in RFC 3394.
+ *
+ * This algorithm may be used with any key type for a block cipher with
+ * a 128-bit block size, not just AES. The calculations are the same as
+ * described in SP 800-38F, but replacing uses of AES with the 128-bit
+ * block cipher that the key is for.
+ */
+#define PSA_ALG_NIST_KW                         ((psa_algorithm_t)0x0e401003)
+/** The KWP algorithm from NIST SP 800-38F.
+ *
+ * This algorithm may be used with any key type for a block cipher with
+ * a 128-bit block size, not just AES. The calculations are the same as
+ * described in SP 800-38F, but replacing uses of AES with the 128-bit
+ * block cipher that the key is for.
+ */
+#define PSA_ALG_NIST_KWP                        ((psa_algorithm_t)0x0e401005)
 #define PSA_ALG_RSA_PKCS1V15_SIGN_BASE          ((psa_algorithm_t)0x10020000)
 /** RSA PKCS#1 v1.5 signature with hashing.
@@ -1571,6 +1601,22 @@
 #define PSA_KEY_ID_VENDOR_MAX                   ((psa_app_key_id_t)0x7fffffff)
+/** A key wrapping key suitable for keys managed directly by the
+ * PSA Cryptography implementation.
+ *
+ * Applications may use this key with psa_wrap_key_with_policy() and
+ * psa_unwrap_key_with_policy() to back up a key that has the
+ * #PSA_KEY_USAGE_BACKUP usage flag and later restore it on the same device,
+ * if the implementation supports it.
+ *
+ * The existence of this key is optional. Implementations that support
+ * key wrapping should offer a key with this identifier if having a
+ * single wrapping key makes sense in the scenarios where this implementation
+ * is used. If this key exists, it must be private to the device, i.e. it
+ * must not be shared with any other device or entity.
+ */
+#define PSA_KEY_ID_WRAP_BOUND                   ((psa_app_key_id_t)0x80000062)
 /** \defgroup policy Key policies
@@ -1603,9 +1649,69 @@
  * For keys with the lifetime #PSA_KEY_LIFETIME_VOLATILE or
  * is sufficient to permit the copy.
+ *
+ * When combined with #PSA_KEY_USAGE_BACKUP, this flag allows the use
+ * of psa_unwrap_key_to_alternate_lifetime() on a wrapped key data.
 #define PSA_KEY_USAGE_COPY                      ((psa_key_usage_t)0x00000002)
+/** Whether the key material may be exported in wrapped form.
+ *
+ * This flag allows the use of psa_wrap_key_material() on the given key,
+ * with any suitable wrapping key.
+ *
+ * A wrapped form of the key material preserves the confidentiality
+ * and authenticity of the key material. In practical terms, the key
+ * material is encrypted and authenticated.
+ *
+ * A wrapped form does not preserve the key metadata in general, so it is up
+ * to the application to ensure that the key is unwrapped with the correct
+ * type and policy.
+ *
+ * \note Given that a wrapped key can be unwrapped with a different policy,
+ *       which may include #PSA_KEY_USAGE_EXPORT, there is often no
+ *       security advantage to allowing the key usage
+ *       However implementations may impose restrictions on keys that
+ *       are created through unwrapping with a particular key, in which
+ *       case unwrapping could preserve the non-extractibility of a key.
+ */
+#define PSA_KEY_USAGE_EXPORT_WRAPPED            ((psa_key_usage_t)0x00000010)
+/** Whether the key object may be saved outside the device in wrapped form.
+ * This is also known as key binding.
+ *
+ * This flag allows the use of psa_wrap_key_with_policy() on the given key,
+ * with any suitable wrapping key, and the subsequent use of
+ * psa_unwrap_key_with_policy() on the resulting data.
+ * When combined with #PSA_KEY_USAGE_COPY, this flag also allows the use
+ * of psa_unwrap_key_to_alternate_lifetime() to unwrap the resulting data.
+ *
+ * A wrapped form of the key object preserves the confidentiality and
+ * authenticity of the key material and the authenticity of the key
+ * policy. In practical terms, the key material is encrypted, and
+ * the key data and metadata are authenticated together.
+ */
+#define PSA_KEY_USAGE_BACKUP                    ((psa_key_usage_t)0x00000020)
+/** Whether the key may be used to wrap another key.
+ *
+ * This flag allows the key to be used as a wrapping key with
+ * psa_wrap_key_material().
+ *
+ * For a key pair, this concerns the public key.
+ */
+#define PSA_KEY_USAGE_WRAP_OTHER_KEY            ((psa_key_usage_t)0x00000040)
+/** Whether the key may be used to unwrap another key.
+ *
+ * This flag allows the key to be used as a wrapping key with
+ * psa_unwrap_key_material().
+ *
+ * For a key pair, this concerns the private key.
+ */
+#define PSA_KEY_USAGE_UNWRAP_OTHER_KEY          ((psa_key_usage_t)0x00000080)
 /** Whether the key may be used to encrypt a message.
  * This flag allows the key to be used for a symmetric encryption operation,