Initially, it was hoped that GreenWall could be extended to bridge
standard add-on messages. However, the WoW API doesn't have a function
similar to ChatFrame_MessageEventHandler
that could be used
for add-on messages.
So this simple messaging API is provided for third-party add-on developers who would like to be able to use the bridged communication on a guild confederation.
A simple example, which demonstrates the use of the API, is GWSonar.
Before any API functions are called, there are tests that should be run to verify the environment.
if C_AddOns.IsAddOnLoaded('GreenWall') then
if GreenWallAPI ~= nil then
if GreenWallAPI >= 1 then
This combines all of the tests into one function.
function apiAvailable()
function testAPI()
-- Raises and exception of GreenWall is loaded or is pre-1.7.
return GreenWallAPI.version
-- Catch any exceptions
local found, version = pcall(testAPI)
return found and version >= 1
To send a message to other instances of the add-on, use the following function.
GreenWallAPI.SendMessage(addon, message)
- addon - The addon name, should the one used for the name of the TOC file.
- message - The message to send. Accepts 8-bit data.
The receiving of messages is handled with callbacks.
local function handler(addon, sender, message, echo, guild)
- addon - The name of the addon sending the message.
- sender - The player sending the message.
- message - The text of the message.
- echo - Set to true if the message was sent by the player.
- guild - Set to true if the message originated in the player's co-guild.
local id = GreenWallAPI.AddMessageHandler(handler, addon, priority)
- handler - The callback function.
- addon - The name of the addon that you want to receive messages from (the same one used for the name of the TOC file). If the value '*' is supplied, messages from all addons will be handled.
- priority - A signed integer indicating relative priority, lower value is handled first. The default is 0.
- The ID that can be used to remove the handler.
In addition to the GreenWallAPI.AddMessageHandler
function to add a handler,
the following functions are available to manage the dispatch table.
local found = GreenWallAPI.RemoveMessageHandler(id)
- handler_id - The ID of the handler function.
- addon - (Optional) A tag defining the name of the add-on messages will be
received from. The
character can be used to match all add-ons. If this value isnil
, all entries will be cleared.
Note: A
value passed as add-on is not a wildcard in this context, it will only matched instances where the handler was installed with*
as the add-on.
Query the hidden channels used by Greenwall.
- An array of integer values for the channels in use.