For current status of tasks, please see the kanban board. Tasks are listed in order of priority.
Summer runs for 14 weeks, from June 14th to September 17th. We can assume that work will be done for the first 12 weeks, from June 14th to September 10th. If you need help at any time, messaging on Discord is sufficient. Here is an outline for each week:
- Add a job posting for a software engineering intern to the Dudes of 708 website
- Write some text and potentially add some images for each project listed on the Dudes of 708 website
- Update the Dudes of 708 website. Add a job posting for a software engineering intern and add information regarding each of our projects.
- Suggested tools: Git
- Suggested programming languages: HTML, CSS
- Suggested libraries: Bootstrap 5
- Types of cheese poster inspiration #1, inspiration #2 and types of rice poster kind of like this guy
- Create a square icon and generate sizes for apps/web/etc.
- Create an onboarding screen (a screen that shows the first time you launch an app explaining what the app does, for code see this Stack Overflow)
- Implement a login screen so only authenticated users can log in
- Create a tabbed view for Home, Groceries, Recipes, History, and Profile
- The profile tab should show your name, profile picture, role, and some eating statistics (for inspiration, see
- Create images for each cuisine with a placeholder
- Create a nice landing page
- Create a nice 404 page
- Create a nice Unauthorized page
- Make the navbar active on the current page
- Make the profile show total, not just total for the year
- Implement the ability to visit others' profiles
- Implement ability to update profile
- Implement search bar
- Implmeent actual login with real users database