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Solon's Home Server Config

A k3's cluster managed with Flux and Renovate

GitHub Repo stars GitHub forks

📂 Repository structure

The Git repository contains the following directories:

├──📁 ansible
│   └──📁 playbooks
└──📁 kubernetes
    ├──📁 apps
    │   ├──📁 authentik
    │   │   └──📁 authentik
    │   ├──📁 dashboard
    │   │   ├──📁 homarr
    │   │   └──📁 homepage
    │   ├──📁 media
    │   │   ├──📁 decluttarr
    │   │   ├──📁 flaresolver
    │   │   ├──📁 jellyfin
    │   │   ├──📁 jellyseer
    │   │   ├──📁 prowlarr
    │   │   ├──📁 qbittorrent
    │   │   ├──📁 radarr
    │   │   ├──📁 recyclarr
    │   │   └──📁 sonarr
    │   ├──📁 muse
    │   │   └──📁 muse
    │   ├──📁 ntfy
    │   │   └──📁 ntfy
    │   ├──📁 pihole
    │   │   └──📁 pihole
    │   ├──📁 semaphore
    │   │   └──📁 semaphore
    │   └──📁 speedtest-tracker
    │       └──📁 speedtest-tracker
    └──📁 infra
        ├──📁 cert-manager
        │   └──📁 cert-manager
        ├──📁 cloudflare-ddns
        ├──📁 databases
        │   ├──📁 dragonfly
        │   └──📁 postgres
        ├──📁 external-dns
        │   ├──📁 cloudflare
        │   └──📁 cloudflare-ddns
        ├──📁 flux
        │   ├──📁 repositories
        │   ├──📁 sources
        │   └──📁 vars
        ├──📁 longhorn
        │   └──📁 longhorn
        ├──📁 metallb
        │   └──📁 metallb
        ├──📁 pod-gateway
        │   └──📁 pod-gateway
        ├──📁 reflector
        │   └──📁 reflector
        ├──📁 reloader
        │   └──📁 reloader
        ├──📁 secrets
        │   └──📁 external-secrets
        ├──📁 system-upgrade
        │   └──📁 system-upgrade-controller
        └──📁 traefik
            └──📁 traefik

🖥️ Software

The following apps are installed on the clusters.

Software Purpose
Authentik Modern identity provider for authentication and access management.
Homarr Sleek, modern dashboard for managing services.
Homepage Customizable homepage dashboard for service management.
Decluttarr Automated media organization and decluttering tool.
Flaresolverr Bypasses Cloudflare and DDoS protections.
Jellyfin Media server.
Jellyseer Media discovery and management for Jellyfin.
Prowlarr Indexer manager for media automation.
Qbittorrent Torrent client.
Radarr Automated movie download tool.
Recyclarr Notifications and monitoring tool for media services.
Sonarr Automated TV show download tool.
Muse Self-hostable Discord music bot.
Ntfy Push notifications.
Pihole Network-wide ad blocker and DNS service.
Semaphore Continuous integration and delivery tool.
Speedtest Tracker Internet speed tracking tool.
Flux GitOps tool managing the cluster.
Cert-Manager Manages Let's Encrypt certificates with Cloudflare DNS integration.
Cloudflare DDNS Dynamic DNS updater for Cloudflare.
Dragonfly High-performance in-memory datastore.
Crunchy PG Operator Operator for managing PostgreSQL clusters.
External DNS Automates DNS record management for Kubernetes resources.
Longhorn Persistent block storage provisioner.
MetalLB Bare metal load balancer.
Pod-gateway Routes traffic from pods to a gateway for VPN access.
Reflector Proxies and mirrors Docker registries.
Reloader Watches changes in ConfigMaps and Secrets to trigger pod restarts.
External Secrets Integrates external secret management systems into Kubernetes.
System Upgrade Controller Automates k3s upgrades.
Traefik Edge router and load balancer.

📦 Hardware

Device Count OS Disk Size Data Disk Size Ram Operating System Purpose
Turing RK1 4 2TB NVMe - 16GB Ubuntu Cluster Nodes
Turing Pi 2 1 - - - - Baseboard and KVM
CWWK AMD-7940HS 1 1TB NVMe 8TB HDD (2x) 32GB Proxmox NAS/Cluster Nodes

🤖 Automation

Renovate Bot makes sure the components are never outdated.

It creates PullRequests when Helm charts or Docker images have newer versions available and even keeps Flux and k3s up-to-date.

📝 Secrets

Flux supports SOPS in particular AGE, you can encrypt your secrets locally with age and then flux will decrypt them when it applies the manifests. All my secrets are encrypted on my local machine and decrypted by Flux when it applies the manifests.


I'm using Cloudflare for external DNS and have a wildcard A record pointing to my traefik instance. Internally I'm using PiHole for DNS resolution, these are injected into the pods via the hosts configmap.