feat: adding users table on dashboard
feat: adding users table on dashboard
feat: add billing if user is subscribed
feat: add billing if user is subscribed
feat: upgrade premium user after login
feat: upgrade premium user after login
feat: stripe integration for premium users
feat: stripe integration for premium users
feat: update blog content for is_Premium with skeleton effect
feat: update blog content for is_Premium with skeleton effect
feat: applying pagination to fetch data in a chunks
feat: applying pagination to fetch data in a chunks
feat: journals (blog) details route on blog ID
feat: journals (blog) details route on blog ID
feat: loading state shimmer effect for dashboard table
feat: loading state shimmer effect for dashboard table
feat: update/edit blogs by ID from action btn
feat: update/edit blogs by ID from action btn
feat: update isPremium or isPublished on toggle switch
feat: update isPremium or isPublished on toggle switch
feat: delete blog post with alert dialog
feat: delete blog post with alert dialog
feat: read blogs from DB and fill it into the table
feat: read blogs from DB and fill it into the table
feat: set pending state of saving btn and redirect to dashboard
feat: set pending state of saving btn and redirect to dashboard
feat: storing blogs to database with TS types
feat: storing blogs to database with TS types
feat: storing user data and admin protection for dashboard
feat: storing user data and admin protection for dashboard