Auto-generated documentation.
Convert the standard ETH test fillers into something to be replayed against an RPC
polycli retest [flags]
The goal of this tool is to take test fillers from the standard ethereum test library and convert them into a format that works well with other tools like cast.
To try this out, first checkout
# Move into the filler directory
cd tests/src
# at this point, it's a good time to check if you have a good version
# of yq installed. If you run this command or something like it and
# the values are turned into decimals or floating point numbers, this
# will be a problem. This particular version of yq handles this well:
cat ./GeneralStateTestsFiller/stPreCompiledContracts2/ecrecoverShortBuffFiller.yml | ~/go/bin/yq -o json
# Convert the yaml based tests to json. There will be some failures depending on the version of yq used
find . -type f -name '*.yml' | while read yaml_file ; do
yq -o json '.' $yaml_file > $yaml_file.json
if [[ $retval -ne 0 ]]; then
2>&1 echo "the file $yaml_file could not be converted to json"
# Check for duplicates... There are a few so we should be mindful of that
find . -type f -name '*.json' | xargs cat | jq -r 'to_entries[].key' | uniq -c | sort
# Consolidate everything.. The kzg tests seem to be a different format.. So excluding them with the array check
find . -type f -name '*.json' | xargs cat | jq 'select((. | type) != "array")' | jq -s 'add' > merged.json
# there are some fields like "//comment" that make parsing very difficult
jq 'walk(if type == "object" then with_entries(select(.key | startswith("//") | not)) else . end)' merged.json > merged.nocomment.json
Now we should have a giant file filled with an array of transactions. We can take that output and process it with the retest
command now
polycli retest -v 500 --file merged.nocomment.json > simple.json
This project will depend on an installation of solc
0.8.20) and lllc
. Installing solidity is pretty easy, but LLLC can
be a little tricky.
If you've got multiple solc versions, you can specify full path to the
right binary to use with env var SOLC_PATH
Since the version is pretty old, it might not build well on your host os. Building within docker might make your life easier:
docker run -it debian:buster /bin/bash
From within the docker shell some steps like this should get you in the right direction:
apt update
apt install --yes libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-system-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-test-dev git cmake g++
git clone --depth 1 -b master /solidity
mkdir /build && cd /build
cmake /solidity -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DLLL=1 && make lllc
Assuming that all worked, we should be able to copy the binary out of docker and into our host OS:
docker cp 95511e9d0996:/build/lllc/lllc /usr/local/bin/
--file string Provide a file that's filed with test transaction fillers
-h, --help help for retest
The command also inherits flags from parent commands.
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.polygon-cli.yaml)
--pretty-logs Should logs be in pretty format or JSON (default true)
-v, --verbosity int 0 - Silent
100 Panic
200 Fatal
300 Error
400 Warning
500 Info
600 Debug
700 Trace (default 500)
- polycli - A Swiss Army knife of blockchain tools.